Sunday, February 24, 2008

Going on week 14

Well, last Monday we got to meet our little one again for the second time, and this time its little heartbeat was 155 beats per minutes! I can honestly say that this is music to mine and Michael's ears. We also got to see the little baby's foot inside my belly, and it had 5 teeny tiny cool. It is so hard for me to believe that I have a little 3 inch baby inside of me. I have the joy of having access to a doppler where I work, so many times I will find the heartbeat myself and call Michael so he can hear too. He especially likes to put it on speakerphone so he and his friends at work can dance to our baby's rhythm:).
Michael and I have decided not to find out what we are having, so we went and bought 2 separate "take home" outfits for our little one, so it will be interesting to see what it gets to wear. Been having lots of headaches and lower backaches, but not so nauseous thank goodness. Our baby is currently the size of a peach, so it is definitely getting bigger:). Anyway, forgive my not so creative writing, but this is our update, and our next appointment in St. Patty's Day!


thedunns said...

I can't believe you're already 14 weeks along! It seems like it's taken me forever to get to 8 weeks. I'm sure once we get through this 1st trimester, it'll go by faster. I'm SOOOO glad we get to go through this together, but that you get to do it first :)

Love you! Sara

Anonymous said...

Update! Update!

Hannah D said...

I'm with Carmen---I need an update ;)