Well, I promise now that I don't have a depressing post of all these confusing thoughts and down in the dumps feelings, cause life is really good for us. We put Asher in the little daycare that I discussed earlier, and we are actually really happy with the decision. Michael says that when Asher gets to "school" he is just as happy as can be. In fact, I went to pick him up last week, and I have not seen him flirt as much as he did when I got there. He was just about cackling when she went to change him before we went home. His teacher tells me that he is always that way while he is there, but she might just be trying to ease my mind, which worked:) He is getting so big and now when I look at him the little baby I used to see is becoming more of a little boy! He will be 6 months old tomorrow, and that means half a year has already passed, and we cannot believe it. We have learned so much and been through so many stages, it just flies by. I was actually holding him today and teared up because he has just been such a joy for us.I ended up being able to pump more than enough to get Asher to 6 months, and I actually feel like my body belongs to me again, and I am amazed at how much more convenient it is to make bottles for my man, and he is still getting the goods. It will be kinda sad when all my milk is gone, but he is starting to eat other foods, so I think we will all be alright:) We got to the doctor on Monday for Asher's 6 month appointment, so I will let you know how that goes, along with the shots. Then, we are off to the photographer on Tuesday for Asher's 6 month photo shoot! He is really into babble now and he thinks it is hilarious when I smell his feet and act like his feet stink...go figure, all boy. He is rolling over from front to back really well, and he is able to roll over from back to front, but not as well. He finds his feet fascinating and will often just roll around grabbing his feet. He loves to blow bubbles and make a spitting sound. We are working on him sitting up, but he can only do it for about 5-10 seconds right now. He also likes to grab my water bottle out of my hands and put it up to his mouth, he even knows which end is the right one. He will also do this to just about anything I am drinking...little pig. He is sleeping great at night, thank the Lord, and he is continuing to get better with his naps. I know I am going on and on, but I have one last announcement. He got his first haircut this past weekend for Valentine's day, and he looks so handsome. Of course I kept every strand of his hair, and you wouldn't believe how curly his hair is. Here are some pictures of the event...enjoy
After Asher's haircut we spendt the rest of the weekend spending time with Asher's best friend Nolan, who is one of my best friend Jeana's little boys, and playing with his Pop, Shashe, cousins Rylee and Jackson, and Uncle Chris and Aunt Loren. We had a great time.
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