I know I just posted on Friday, but believe it or not, things have changed! It is almost as if Asher turning 6 months on Saturday caused a light bulb to go off, and he has made some progress. Since my last post, I can actually see and feel Asher's 2 bottom teeth. Of course, they aren't all the way out of the skin, but it won't be long. Michael and I have been working on sitting up with our little man, and he can actually sit up by himself for a little while without any support. It still amazes me how flexible he is. I think he enjoys sitting up too, because it gives him a new perspective. Of course, I can't leave him sitting up just yet because he's not mastered it just yet, but he's getting there. The biggest surprise for us is the fact that when we put him on his stomach he is trying so hard to scoot himself across the floor. He can turn in circles, but when he gets tired he just rolls over. He is having a ball in the bathtub kicking his legs and feet, and he thinks it's just hilarious when he is able to splash water on daddy and me. He is getting to be so much fun!
Today we went to Asher's 6 month doctor's appointment, and it was an interesting trip. He did absolutely wonderful, but when the doctor placed him on his back to check down below, she took off the diaper and out came the stream of urine all over her, her tools, and worst of all, her laptop! I couldn't help but laugh, and Asher thought it was pretty funny too! He weighs 16lbs 15 oz and he is 26 inches long. The doc gave him a great report and he did awesome with his shots. He didn't even cry when he got his first one, and when he did start crying it was only briefly, but he quit as soon as I picked him up! He was such a big boy, and mommy was too, because this is the first time I didn't cry. He goes back when he is 9 months old, which is hard to believe that this is only 3 months away. Anyway, our big boy is traveling to Powder Springs to spend the night with GG and Papa Cece by himself for the first time. Although we are a little nervous, Michael and I are looking forward to a real date night and sleeping in:) Till next time...