Well, I have not blogged since I was very early in my pregnancy because honestly, I am not the type that is good at putting my thoughts onto paper, but then I realized that this is kind of like a diary and felt I would enjoy going back and reliving some special moments.
Since my last post, Michael and I were extremely blessed with a handsome little man on August 21, 2008. His name is Asher Michael Webb, and he is truly a gift from God. He really has developed such an amazing personality in last 4 months, and it is so fun to watch. He has come such a long way and learned so much already. He is playing with his hands and trying to put everything in his mouth these days. He can roll over from his tummy all by himself...he learned that really quick because he absolutely hates tummy time. He loves bathtime, and many times he will throw one arm over the side of his little tub and he appears to be just chillin in the tub. If he isn't doing that, he is usually trying to kick all the water out of the tub. He has also learned to laugh and he has a very ticklish spot right on his collar bone. Talking, not literally, is also his new favorite thing to do. He is very loud...imagine where he got that from, and he enjoys making lots of noises, and then he makes a long spitting noise at the end of his conversations to himself, he is so funny. Rice cereal is is newest interesting food. We got the go ahead at the doctor for his 4 month visit, and he is really not sure what to do with it. He will only eat the cereal if he is allowed to hold the spoon and put it in his mouth himself. The problem is, he has no control over the spoon and he ends up gagging himself in the process...he's learning though. However, with the good comes some bad. He had already had his first ear infections on Christmas Eve, and now the poor little guy has pink eye! He is a strong little fellow, and brings so much joy into our life.
Michael and I are also currently trying to get our house ready to put on the market. We are aware that the market is terrible right now, so we are prepared to patiently wait until God wants us to find somewhere else to be. Luckily, we are not in a rush:) Anyway, this is all I have to say for now. I am going to attempt to find out how to post pictures and fun stuff like that because I am not really computer savvy.
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